Separation Anxiety

Sept 16th, 2020

September is always a shock to our furry friends since many kids and parents are returning back to work after summer holidays. This year is especially difficult for dogs since many of us have been at home due to Covid-19. Since we’ve been spending more time at home, its a good time to start good habits for kennel training. 

If your dog is already kennel trained, it is important to add quiet time spent in their kennels each day in order to prevent any surprises or anxiety once it comes time to get back to work.

Here are some helpful tips to help your dog get used to their crate:

  • Keep the kennel door open so they can go in and out at their own leisure
  • Offer stuffed Kong’s/treats as a distraction and to make their experience more enjoyable
  • Offer familiar bedding as comfort for your dog but only if they don’t eat it!
  • Keep sessions short and positive 
  • Make sure they are comfortable in their kennel before leaving them alone for long periods 

Crate training will help address and lessen separation anxiety for your dog!